- Every music major is required to perform a jury before a panel of faculty every semester. Students who perform a recital during the semester are exempt.
- Students must sign up for their jury at the administrative assistant’s desk in the Eccles Administrative Suite. Juries are scheduled during the final exam period. Students should plan well in advance of that week to avoid any conflicts.
- The student must bring three completed evaluation sheets (one for each jury panel member) and their self-assessment to the jury. The forms can be found at the administrative assistant’s desk, and in the links under “Department Forms” on this page.
- Private teachers have the option of including input from and the outcome of the jury in the final grade for private instruction.
- There are two possible outcomes of each jury: 1- the student passes; 2- the student fails the jury. Not performing a jury equates to a failed jury.
- Two failed evaluations result in dismissal from the major.
- Two successful juries means the student is advanced to the next level of private lessons. For example, when a student passes the jury associated with MUSC 1810 twice, he/she is advanced to MUSC 2810.